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"Look at the world through a child's eyes - it is very beautiful."  - Kailash Satyarthi

About KidsMeditation



As adults, we seek to prepare children for life in the world, giving them the tools they need to overcome obstacles and enjoy a happy, healthy life. Our online guided meditation for kids series introduces young people to a simple meditation practice that enables them to recognize, process, and release any uncomfortable thoughts or feelings they are carrying. They will receive life's greatest gift: a peaceful mind - all while having fun and making new friends! Mediation for children. Join us every Sunday at 3pm!

"I've seen a lot of improvement in myself. I'm more open to friends and family. My whole family actually goes with me to meditation. We used to argue a lot but now, we calmly just talk to each other, and listen to each other's opinions, and that way we can respect each other more. I think meditation is really good for people."

                                   - Chloe, age 12

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