About Us

Who We Are & What We Do

We strive for everyone to live well with inner peace and happiness, and to find harmony within themselves and in their relationships.

Our Staff

Our staff consists of compassionate, dedicated individuals who have completed this mind-cleansing method and now selflessly and gratefully help others experience its profound, life-changing benefits.

What We Do

We guide people using a straightforward,systematic method to change from a negative, self-centered human mind to a positive, open, grateful universe mind.

Our Method

Mind Cleansing Practice

Our mind-cleansing practice helps you discard negative thoughts and clear your mind. Just as sand settles in muddy water to make it temporarily clear, stirring it will make it muddy again—our minds work the same way.

Meditation for Calming

Thoughts arise when you experience similar situations.


Mind Cleansing Method

Once you have finished the steps, you will always be happy and peaceful.

Mind Cleansing Method

From birth, people store everything they see, hear, and experience through their five senses in their minds, much like a camera. Our memories and past experiences are like photos—copies of the past stored in the mind as if they were real.

Discarding these false pictures and discovering the truth is the core principle of our Mind Cleansing Meditation.

7-Step Method

The meditation process consists of 7 steps. Step by step, the more you empty your mind, the more you learn about the principles of the world. That is enlightenment. Our mind cleansing practice is a systematic way for anyone to empty their mind and find their true self.

Founder Woo Myung

Founder Woo Myung has dedicated his whole life to helping people of the world to discard all of their human minds so that they can live completely with the mind of the Universe.

Woo Myung, has been helping and guiding people with this method since 1996. In that time he has written 12 inspirational books, each providing profound wisdom and enlightenment.

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